Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Dismissals Caught TJ.Robinson Bowled JD.Burbidge

Batsman Club Score Location Match Type Date
T.Emmett Penguins 3 Brocklesby Park Friendly 20/07/1985
P.Kime Horncastle 35 Horncastle Friendly 29/06/1985
Chalmers Hessle 11 Brocklesby Park Friendly 19/06/1982
S.Allcock Scunthorpe Police 27 Brocklesby Park Friendly 12/07/1981
G.Rees Woodhall Spa 30 Brocklesby Park Friendly 28/06/1981
Walker St John's Hospital 6 St John's Hospital Friendly 31/05/1981
A.Prendergast Winteringham 2 Brocklesby Park Friendly 31/08/1980
M.Holt Hibaldstow 0 Brocklesby Park Friendly 09/07/1980
Horton Sir John Nelthorpe 7 Sir John Nelthorpe Friendly 21/06/1979
A.Freeman Havelock 1 Brocklesby Park Friendly 12/06/1979
P.Clark Grimsby RUFC 1 Brocklesby Park Friendly 21/08/1977

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A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Blackadder