Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Habib Khan

(2024 - )

Overall Batting Record

Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s Ct St RO
League 7 6 3 183 61 85 0 1 0 13 13 100
Friendly 1 0 - - - - - - - - - 000
West Wold 1 1 1 17 - 17* 0 0 0 2 1 100
Cup 3 3 1 69 34.5 35 0 0 0 10 2 000
Total 12 10 5 269 53.8 85 0 1 0 25 16 200

Last 5 Matches

Opponents Where Type Score HO Result Date
1 Grimsby Town Grimsby (Augusta Street) League 42* Not Out Brocklesby Park won by 4 wickets 15/09/2024
2 Appleby Frodingham Scunthorpe (Brumby Hall) League - DNB Brocklesby Park won by 6 wickets 14/09/2024
3 Misterton Phoenix Misterton Friendly - DNB Brocklesby Park won by 181 runs 21/07/2024
4 Cherry Willingham Cherry Willingham League 85 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 66 runs 20/07/2024
5 Grimoldby Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 46 Stumped Abandoned 07/07/2024

Last 5 Seasons

Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s Ct St RO
2024 12 10 5 269 53.8 85 0 1 0 25 16 200
All Seasons

5 Highest Scores

Opponents Where Type Score HO Result Date
1 Cherry Willingham Cherry Willingham League 85 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 66 runs 20/07/2024
2 Grimoldby Keelby (Stallingborough Road) League 46 Stumped Abandoned 07/07/2024
3 Grimsby Town Grimsby (Augusta Street) League 42* Not Out Brocklesby Park won by 4 wickets 15/09/2024
4 Barton Town Grimsby (Augusta Street) Cup 35 Caught Brocklesby Park won by 97 runs 30/06/2024
5 Outcasts Keelby (Stallingborough Road) Cup 30* Not Out Brocklesby Park won by 54 runs 23/06/2024

5 Highest Partnerships

Opponents Where Partner Stand Wicket Result Date
1 Cherry Willingham Cherry Willingham IS.Hayre 75 2 Brocklesby Park won by 66 runs 20/07/2024
2 Grimsby Town Grimsby (Augusta Street) MS.Khan 68 6 Brocklesby Park won by 4 wickets 15/09/2024
3 Barton Town Grimsby (Augusta Street) IS.Sandhu 51 7 Brocklesby Park won by 97 runs 30/06/2024
4 Grimoldby Keelby (Stallingborough Road) RJ.Bedwell 43 8 Abandoned 07/07/2024
5 Outcasts Keelby (Stallingborough Road) SN.Singh 37 10 Brocklesby Park won by 54 runs 23/06/2024
All 50+ Partnerships

5 Highest Player Partnerships

Partner Partnerships NO Runs Ave High Date 50 100
1 MS.Khan 4 0 108 27 68 15/09/2024 1 0
2 IS.Hayre 1 0 75 75 75 20/07/2024 1 0
3 H.Qamar 2 1 63 63 37 20/07/2024 0 0
4 IS.Sandhu 2 0 61 30.5 51 30/06/2024 1 0
5 RJ.Bedwell 1 0 43 43 43 07/07/2024 0 0
All Player Partnerships

How Dismissed

1 Not Out 5 50%
2 Bowled 2 20%
3 Caught 2 20%
4 Stumped 1 10%

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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light, Rolling for aye through Space and Time, Harbour those waves which somehow Might Play out God's holy pantomime - Alan Turing