Brocklesby Park Cricket Club

Matches against Scunthorpe Town Stat Summary

Last 5 Matches

Innings Result / Highlights Date / Location
Scunthorpe Town:205/6Scunthorpe Town won by 52 runs11/05/2024
Brocklesby Park:153 All OutM.Ayub 54* - MS.Khan 2/39Scunthorpe (Heslam Park)
Scunthorpe Town:153/8Tied22/09/2007
Brocklesby Park:153/6P.Dawes 42 - JS.Pexman 4/29Brocklesby Park
Scunthorpe Town:164/2Drawn05/05/1991
Brocklesby Park:107/8G.White 52* - R.Rex 1/31 - JD.Burbidge 1/36Brocklesby Park
Scunthorpe Town:214/5Scunthorpe Town won by 42 runs06/05/1990
Brocklesby Park:172/8S.Farquharson 29* - R.Rex 2/34Scunthorpe (Heslam Park)
Scunthorpe Town:203/6Scunthorpe Town won by 147 runs07/05/1989
Brocklesby Park:56 All OutG.White 20 - R.Rex 3/52Brocklesby Park

Top Run Scorers Against Scunthorpe Town

Batsman Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s
1 G.White 6 6 1 129 25.8 52* 0 1 0 7 0
2 PB.Burbidge 10 10 2 96 12 22* 2 0 0 6 0
3 K.van den Bos 9 6 0 73 12.17 29 1 0 0 4 0
4 MCB.Burbidge 11 9 2 70 10 21* 2 0 0 4 0
5 Jim.Robinson 5 5 0 64 12.8 26 0 0 0 5 0

Top Wicket Takers Against Scunthorpe Town

Name Mat Inn Balls Mdns Runs Wkts Ave Strike RPO Best 3W 5W
1 PB.Burbidge 10 10 457 6 258 20 12.9 22.85 3.39 5/27 1 2
2 W.Robinson 3 3 4 18 0.22 0 0 7/ 0 3
3 Jim.Robinson 5 4 116 1 56 8 7 14.5 2.9 3/10 1 0
4 F.Holdway 3 3 7 0 0 0 3/ 2 0
5 R.Rex 4 4 228 3 138 6 23 38 3.63 3/52 1 0

Top Run Scorers For Scunthorpe Town

Batsman Mat Inn NO Runs Ave HS 0 50 100 4s 6s
1 N.Foster 2 2 1 112 112 69 0 1 0 10 2
2 S.Greenaway 3 3 0 111 37 60 1 2 0 4 0
3 G.Chand 1 1 1 85 - 85* 0 1 0 11 1
4 D.Oates 3 3 0 84 28 58 0 1 0 2 0
5 P.Franklin 2 2 1 84 84 81 0 1 0 10 1

Top Wicket Takers For Scunthorpe Town

Name Mat Inn Balls Mdns Runs Wkts Ave Strike RPO Best 3W 5W
1 T.Brown 2 2 8 0 0 0 5/ 1 1
2 P.Carrington 3 3 176 3 87 8 10.88 22 2.97 4/29 1 0
3 M.Blackburn 3 3 150 7 46 7 6.57 21.43 1.84 3/7 2 0
4 H.Crompton 3 3 6 0 0 0 3/ 1 0
5 Francis 2 2 108 6 34 6 5.67 18 1.89 4/22 1 0

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The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd. - Blackadder